dimanche 12 mai 2013

Mur de Glace au Manitoba et dans le Nord du Minnesota

Au Manitoba, l’état d’urgence a été décrété samedi dans l’ouest de la province à la suite d’importants débordements de glace sur le lac Dauphin.
Six résidences ont été détruites et 14 autres ont été sérieusement endommagés dans la communauté d’Ochre Beach vendredi soir.
Des vents puissants soufflant en rafales à 90 km/h ont progressivement poussé les glaces qui recouvrent le lac Dauphin vers le rivage sud.
Celles-ci se sont empilées, formant un véritable mûr atteignant près de 10 mètres de hauteur.
Les glaces ont continué leur progression, détruisant complètement au moins six maisons et chalets, en plus d’endommager 14 autres résidences.
Ce mûr de glace a atteint une hauteur de près de 10 mètres. Photos: Christian Laughland et Cade Malone.


Ice Charging Into Northern Minn. Homes Caught on Video

Ice outs are still happening on lakes in northern Minnesota because of our cold and snowy spring.

Now, homes along the shore of Lake Mille Lacs are getting damaged because the ice is moving like a glacier, and pushing up against the homes.
In a video sent to us by KSTP viewer, Darla Johnson, you can see the ice making its charge onto shore. Then in a matter of minutes the wind pushes the ice about 15 feet from the shore to the doors of a home.
Johnson even tried saving patio furniture but she couldn't stop the ice before it pushed in doors and windows, causing damage.
The ice is piled up about three feet high.
Johnson says some crews were working to get the ice away from the homes, but “it's a battle they're not winning right now.”
Some access roads near Izatys Resort were closed Friday, according to Johnson. Only local residents were being let through, she said.
KSTP.com meteorologist Jonathan Yuhas said 35 mph wind gusts Saturday pushed the ice onto the shore.


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